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The Beaver Colony is the first and youngest section of a Scout Group. Beaver Scouts are boys and girls aged between 6 and 8 years old. The Cub Pack is the second section of the Scout Group, following on from Beavers. Cub Scouts are boys and girls aged between 8 and 10½. The Scout Troop is the third section in the Scout Group, above Beavers and Cubs. The Scout Section is for young people aged between 10½ and 14 years.
We operate a waiting list for prospective members of our Beaver Colony, Cub Pack and Scout Troop. Parents/guardians can add their child from the age of 3. Please note that it is not possible for us to let you know if or when your child will receive a place in Beavers, Cubs or Scouts. This is because places are not always taken up. In addition, our policy is to prioritise the children of Leaders and children who are regular attendees of Christ Church Beckenham (as we are a church sponsored Group). However we will let you know as soon as a place is available for your child.
The order of priority for accepting children is:
- Children of existing Leaders
- Members of our Beaver Colony (for Cubs)
- Members of our Cub Pack (for Scouts)
- Siblings of existing members
- Regular attenders of Christ Church Beckenham Sunday School
- Length of time on the waiting list
We are sponsored by Christ Church and use the Lea Wilson Hall, Jubilee Hall and Main Hall for meetings. We attend Church Parade (usually 2 or 3 times a term) and ask all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to take part. This is a special family service and parents are very welcome to come along. The service is usually on the first Sunday of the month from 10.30am – 11.30am.
If you would like us to add your child to the waiting list, please complete the form below. Your child will be added to the list dated from your first enquiry.
By submitting this form you consent to your personal information being used for the purposes of informing you when a place becomes available in our Scout Group for your child. Your information will not be used for any other purpose. The information will be stored on a GDPR compliant system called Online Scout Manager (OSM). This is used by a large number of Scout Groups in the UK for administration purposes. If your child is offered a place, your personal information will be transferred to the OSM membership system and removed from the waiting list. If you do not take up an offered place or we cannot contact you when a place becomes available, your information will be deleted. Please contact us at any time if you would like your information removed from the waiting list. For further information, read our Privacy Policy.
Once the form has been submitted, you will receive a reply from admin @ / Please make sure that you receive this message and it does not end up in your spam folder. Any offer of a place will also be from this email address. If your child attends Christ Church Sunday School or has siblings already in the Group, please click the link in the reply email to update your details with this information.
To fill in the form, please click this link.
We would advise you to also apply to other local Scout Groups in order to maximise your child’s chance of being offered a place. More details can be found here.